Sunday, April 2, 2017

Coming to an end

Hello! I am just going to jump straight into things, so for my double page spread it seems a bit too young so I’ve decided to turn down a notch on the amount of pink that was incorporated into my double page spread. My Double page spread is again appealing to roughly all of the ages in my target audience because it includes fun makeup for teens and adults as well as some great beauty products that are great for all skin types. It also includes great beauty products for your skin as well as hair. Since we did have two added extra days to the deadline I decided to hold off on starting the ccr until Wednesday which leaves me with about 6 days to write my script and record me and my magazine. If I wrote a script the video will flow better and I would not need to edit it as much, and it would not take long to produce. I am going to have my magazine in front of me and start from the bottom of the page and explain how and why I did the things that I did and how it fits well with my target audience. So after that as I’m writing my script it will be easier and clearer to understand.

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